Friday, February 27, 2015

New Website is Official

The new website is official so this is the last blog post you will receive by email unless you have signed up for our new email alerts by sending a blank email to or you can get text alerts by texting @lakemy to 81010 or (919) 745-8385. This is not a personal number and we will not have your personal numbers. It's an app that we are using called Remind!  We hope you like the new site and welcome your feedback.  Make sure to refresh your device as the old website will likely be stored even though it's inactive.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Snow Snow Go Away!!

Closed again Friday, 2/27!! 

Literacy Week spirit days for next week: 
Monday: dress as your favorite state sports team!
Tuesday: pj day
Wednesday: fashion disaster
Thursday: LMES spirit wear 
Friday: Dress as your favorite book character!

Snuggle up with a good book and get ready for a reading road trip across America!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Closed on Thursday

WCPSS is closed on Thursday 2/26... 

Take a minute to send a selfie via Twitter to @wcpss with what you are reading on your snow days #snowday6. Make sure to tag us @lakemyra too!

On this Snowy Day...

Hey LMES Families... on this snowy day, you can check out our new website, going live on Friday (assuming that we are in school) at 2pm.  Here is the link to it - - it is actually live now, but not currently searchable.  We welcome your feedback via a survey accessible from the new site.  Please remember that this blog will cease to exist which means no more emails unless you sign up for the "Remind" service listed above.

Also, if your kids are bored, they could design the 2015 LMES Media Center bookmark for our bookmark design  contest.  All entries are due next Wednesday 3/4 to Mrs. Behrend or Mrs. Johnson. Unfortunately paper copies of the template with lovely directions are trapped at school, but you are welcome to access the template , download it as a pdf, and print it out on your own.  Please make sure to print it in the actual size and add your name somewhere on the paper!

Happy Sledding!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Closed on 2/25

We are closed again on Wednesday, 2/25 due to the snow!


The 2-hour delay today is now a full closing! No school today.

Monday, February 23, 2015

New Website On Friday

Hey LMES Families... the website is changing this Friday afternoon.  If you are currently getting announcement alerts via email, this will stop as of Friday.  If you would like to continue getting emails, please sign up by sending a blank email to Do you prefer text? Text @lakemy to 919-521-8150. 

Make Up Day Has Been Moved

There is no Saturday school on 2/28/15... the new make-up day is an elimination of the early release day on March 6th, thus 3/6 will be a full day rather than an early release day.

Friday, February 20, 2015

No Saturday School

Our Saturday makeup day has been postponed... No school on 2/21!!

We Need Your Help for Spring Fling

Hey LMES Families... We Need You!!

Spring Fling is in less than two weeks (3/5 from 6pm-8pm) and we need your help to make the event a success.  The many, many snow days have made it very challenging to get enough volunteers so please take this opportunity to sign up to help.  You can use the Sign-Up Genius link if you have an account or you can just email our PTA president, Katie Lewis, at 

Plan to come out and celebrate literacy with games, food, and some literary characters as well! Let's make this event as awesome as our Fall Festival was.  Oh, and you might want to do a weather dance to get rid of this cold weather so it actually feels like a Spring Fling instead of a Mid-Winter Carnival!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

WCPSS out again!

We are out again Friday... Stay posted for info about Saturday school!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

No School Due to Weather 2/18/15

We are canceled again folks- stay warm! Makeup days to come later!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Closed on Wed 2/18/15

WCPSS is closed again on Wednesday! Makeup day information will be forthcoming! Light the fire, heat up some hot chocolate, and snuggle up with a great book! Or just go sledding and embrace the snow full force!

Monday, February 16, 2015


School will be closed Tuesday, Feb. 17th due to weather! We are will make it up this Saturday, 2/21.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

WCPSS Announces Early Dismissal

On 2/16/15, WCPSS will dismiss 2.5 hours early... All after school activities are cancelled including ASC (After School Care)! This means our LMES children will dismiss at 1:15pm! Be safe and warm!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Early Release

Just a reminder that it's Early Release tomorrow, Feb. 13th!!  Students will be dismissed at 1:15.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

New Addition to the Parent Resource Room

Announcing a new addition to the Parent Resource Room!! We have Text Talk Lesson Kits ready to be checked out in the Parent Resource Room. These are meant to be read with your child and will help with both comprehension and vocabulary development. Each kit contains a book and an easy to follow set of directions for how to have "conversations" with your child about the book and how to deepen their understanding of rich vocabulary.  Come and check out the Parent Resource Room in room 1415!!

Monday, February 9, 2015

PAC Night Is Here!!

PAC (Parent Advisory Council) Night is here.  All parents are invited to come out to LMES on Tuesday evening, Feb. 10th from 6:30-8:00pm, childcare will be provided. Learn more about: the Home Connect Report, Parent Resources, and grade level literacy expectations. We'll even give you a free book and a free popcorn and drink just for attending. Learn how to help your child be as successful as he/she can be!

Welcome to PAC Night!!
All parents report to the gym. 
Spanish session is available in room 1415.

Childcare Room
Parent Room
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Kindergarten Open House 2/5/14

If you have a rising kindergartner, don't miss out on our open house on Thursday, February 2nd, 2015 at 5pm.  Come out and meet the kindergarten staff and get a sneak peek at your school!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Nominations for AIG Testing are Now Open

Nominations for AIG testing are open from now until Feb. 10th.  Any 4th or 5th graders not tested in the previous calendar year are eligible.  Please contact Michelle Oates for further details!

Family Summit 2015

WCPSS Family Summit: Empowering Through Academics, Social & Emotional Development
  • Millbrook High Schest Road, Raleigh, NC 27615
  • Saturday, February 21, 2015 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

PAC Night on Feb. 10th

PAC (Parent Advisory Council) Night is coming up on Feb. 10th from 6:30-8:00pm.  All parents are invited, childcare will be provided.  Learn more about: the Home Connect Report, Parent Resources, and grade level literacy expectations.  We'll even give you a free book and a free popcorn and drink just for attending.  Learn how to help your child be as successful as he/she can be!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Track-in Time!!!

Who's ready to begin the 3rd quarter?  All your teachers and staff and Lake Myra.  We can't wait to see all of you on Wednesday, 28th for our first day back!  Hope you had a safe and fabulous track-out.

Super Saturday with PAGE

PAGE of Wake County which serves grades K-8 as a collaborative networking and advocacy group is hosting their bi-annual Super Saturday Event on February 7th at Meredith College. Please visit the following link for details: