Wednesday, February 25, 2015

On this Snowy Day...

Hey LMES Families... on this snowy day, you can check out our new website, going live on Friday (assuming that we are in school) at 2pm.  Here is the link to it - - it is actually live now, but not currently searchable.  We welcome your feedback via a survey accessible from the new site.  Please remember that this blog will cease to exist which means no more emails unless you sign up for the "Remind" service listed above.

Also, if your kids are bored, they could design the 2015 LMES Media Center bookmark for our bookmark design  contest.  All entries are due next Wednesday 3/4 to Mrs. Behrend or Mrs. Johnson. Unfortunately paper copies of the template with lovely directions are trapped at school, but you are welcome to access the template , download it as a pdf, and print it out on your own.  Please make sure to print it in the actual size and add your name somewhere on the paper!

Happy Sledding!!