We are looking for parents to represent Lake Myra as our
Title 1 PAC (Parent Advisory Council) parents.
We value your input and would really appreciate your time. Here are a few of the parent representative
· Participate
in planning parent involvement at Lake Myra
· Attend
one of the PAC meetings at Lake Myra & also district PAC meetings provided
by the county
· Share
information from district level meetings at school parent involvement meetings
(you will not have to present this information J)
If you are interested in being a parent representative,
please contact Trina at the Front Office and let her know. We’d love to work with you!
Wake County Public
School System
Lake Myra Year Round Elementary School
– School-wide Title I Parent Involvement Policy
The mission of the Wake County Public
School System is to educate each student to be a responsible and productive
citizen who can effectively manage future challenges. Parents of Wake County
students are urged to support their child’s participation in the Title I
program. Elementary school students are eligible to be served in the Title I
program if the child performs or is at risk of performing below grade level
according to local and state assessments.
We believe the education of children
is a cooperative and collaborative effort.
Parental involvement strengthens the child’s academic, social, and
emotional success.
The mission of Lake Myra Elementary
School is to provide a loving environment that is engaging, caring, nurturing
and safe for all.
Title I Parent Advisory
Gives parents an opportunity to
provide input on the School-wide Title I program and services at Lake Myra
Elementary School.
Works with the Title 1 staff to
develop, evaluate and revise the school’s School-wide Title I Parent
Involvement Policy to best meet the needs of all parents.
Develops jointly with the Title I
staff a written Title I School-wide Parent Involvement Policy and Parent –
Student – Teacher – Administrator Compact that outlines how parents, teachers,
students and administrators will share the responsibility for improved student
Develops jointly with the Title I
staff a survey for all Title I parents to provide input on parental involvement
in the program
Ø Quarterly Parent Advisory Council Meetings
Review details of the “No Child Left
Behind” (NCLB) legislation, parent rights and responsibilities and the Title I
program and services
Teach parents strategies for helping
their children improve academically and how to effectively support their
child’s progress in reading and math
Ø Parent Involvement Representatives
Attend quarterly district Parent
Advisory Council (PAC) Meetings and share information at the school’s quarterly
PAC meetings to involve all parents in the county’s vision for all students
Work jointly with Title I Literacy and
Math staff to plan and present information at quarterly Lake Myra PAC meetings
Ø Lake Myra Intervention Teachers
Provide parents with program
information through initial contacts, PAC meeting invitations, and Provide
parents opportunities to visit and volunteer in school activities
Collaborate with classroom teachers
monthly to maximize best practices and instructional consistency for all students
Maintain ongoing assessment
information about individual student progress
Attend training sessions to gain
knowledge on how to provide the highest quality instruction through best
practices for struggling learners