Friday, September 26, 2014

The Loop at the Lake for 9/26/14

The FUN RUN Online Donations Link is Live!!!

The online store for collecting Fun Run donations is now LIVE!  Simply click the link below, select your donation amount, and complete the fields.  You can check out with either PayPal or with a credit card.  Feel free to share this link with your family and friends via email or social media!  It’s never been easier to collect donations from out of town loved ones or from those who just prefer using a credit card!  

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Exciting information for parents of gifted children!

  • Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Children (While individual differences (and exceptions to the rule) abound, there are strong tendencies among gifted students regarding their social and emotional development that can inform parents and teachers, to help them understand their children and students.  Awareness of these characteristics can turn the "rough seas" of interactions in school and in the home into "smooth sailing" for everyone involved.)

Fun Run is Approaching!! Sign Up to Volunteer

Here's the online link to sign up to volunteer at Fun Run on 10/30 (rain date 10/31)!!  We need You!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Free And Reduced Lunch Application Due on October 8th... All Must Reapply

School Lunch Reminder
We want to make sure all qualified families are enrolled for free and reduced priced meals. The application must be completed annually. If your family qualifies, we ask that you complete an application now. The deadline for completing the application is October 8.

For families who qualified for the 2013-14 school year, we have continued to provide school lunches for students this school year. On October 9th any student without an approved application will be expected to pay full price for breakfast and lunch.  Students without money will be served fruits and vegetables in the serving line.

You can find the application and information on free and reduced priced meals online at or talk with your school


Slight Glitch with FUN RUN Online Payments... A fix is on the way!

The link for Fun Run online donations will be posted soon.  We will make an announcement here and on the LMES PTA Facebook page as soon as it is available.  Thanks.

Here is the online link to sign up to volunteer!!

Friday, September 19, 2014

"The Loop at the Lake " 9/19/14

Parents... WE NEED YOU

We are looking for parents to represent Lake Myra as our Title 1 PAC (Parent Advisory Council) parents.  We value your input and would really appreciate your time.  Here are a few of the parent representative responsibilities:
·      Participate in planning parent involvement at Lake Myra
·      Attend one of the PAC meetings at Lake Myra & also district PAC meetings provided by the county
·      Share information from district level meetings at school parent involvement meetings (you will not have to present this information J)
If you are interested in being a parent representative, please contact Trina at the Front Office and let her know.  We’d love to work with you! 

Wake County Public School System
Lake Myra Year Round Elementary School     School-wide Title I Parent Involvement Policy
The mission of the Wake County Public School System is to educate each student to be a responsible and productive citizen who can effectively manage future challenges. Parents of Wake County students are urged to support their child’s participation in the Title I program. Elementary school students are eligible to be served in the Title I program if the child performs or is at risk of performing below grade level according to local and state assessments.
We believe the education of children is a cooperative and collaborative effort.  Parental involvement strengthens the child’s academic, social, and emotional success.
Lake Myra Year  Round  Elementary  School-wide Title  I  Program


The mission of Lake Myra Elementary School is to provide a loving environment that is engaging, caring, nurturing and safe for all. 
Title I Parent Advisory Committee
o   Gives parents an opportunity to provide input on the School-wide Title I program and services at Lake Myra Elementary School. 
o   Works with the Title 1 staff to develop, evaluate and revise the school’s School-wide Title I Parent Involvement Policy to best meet the needs of all parents.
o   Develops jointly with the Title I staff a written Title I School-wide Parent Involvement Policy and Parent – Student – Teacher – Administrator Compact that outlines how parents, teachers, students and administrators will share the responsibility for improved student achievement
o   Develops jointly with the Title I staff a survey for all Title I parents to provide input on parental involvement in the program

Ø  Quarterly Parent Advisory Council Meetings
o   Review details of the “No Child Left Behind” (NCLB) legislation, parent rights and responsibilities and the Title I program and services
o   Teach parents strategies for helping their children improve academically and how to effectively support their child’s progress in reading and math

Ø  Parent Involvement Representatives
o   Attend quarterly district Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Meetings and share information at the school’s quarterly PAC meetings to involve all parents in the county’s vision for all students
o   Work jointly with Title I Literacy and Math staff to plan and present information at quarterly Lake Myra PAC meetings

Ø  Lake Myra Intervention Teachers
o   Provide parents with program information through initial contacts, PAC meeting invitations, and Provide parents opportunities to visit and volunteer in school activities
o   Collaborate with classroom teachers monthly to maximize best practices and instructional consistency for all students
o   Maintain ongoing assessment information about individual student progress
o   Attend training sessions to gain knowledge on how to provide the highest quality instruction through best practices for struggling learners

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Meet our new Vice Principal

Dear Lake Myra Parents, Staff and Students,

I am indeed honored to be appointed as Assistant Principal at Lake Myra Elementary School. I feel truly blessed to be able to serve in a leadership role of such an awesome school community. I am a firm believer in the importance of building strong relationships with parents, staff, and students. This is one way that we can truly collaborate with one another to do what is best for our children.

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to the Lake Myra community. I grew up and received my primary education in the Wake County area. I presently reside in Wake County with my husband and daughter. I possess over 17 years educational experience spanning from K-5th grade teaching, coaching, curriculum development, an intervention teacher to administration.

I look forward to working with our dedicated staff and community to help provide the best educational experience for our students in preparing them for their future.

Jacqueline R. Grant
Lake Myra Assistant Principal


Monday, September 15, 2014

Fall Fest Fun: Donate an Item, Get a Free Ticket!

Fall Fest is Thursday, Sept. 18th!!

When you come to Fall Fest, bring an item for our "Backpack Buddies" program and get a free game ticket! Acceptable items include: packages of granola bars, fruit cups, apple sauce, Mac and cheese, pasta, 100% juice, shelf stable milk (milk juice boxes), crackers, raisins, boxed meals, canned veggies/tuna/fruit, individual breakfast items (cereals, oatmeal, breakfast bars). (We cannot accept candy, soda, Vienna sausage and anything severely dented or missing labels) All donated food goes to students in our Lake Myra family!

Our first "Loop at the Lake" for the 2014-2015 School Year

Stories by Cody, Maddie, and Samantha with Michaiah as the anchor.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Parent Academy Catalog

The Wake County Public Schools System is excited to announce their first Parent Academy Catalog (click here to view, Spanish version here). The catalog contains a series of free skill-building classes, workshops, and educational events aimed at helping families learn to engage with the school system and contribute positively to their child’s academic and social success.
The Parent Academy is a Wake County Public School System (WCPSS) initiative designed to strengthen the relationship between parents/guardians and schools and to help parents navigate the school system. Research shows that students achieve more when parents are involved in their child’s education.
This is a partnership with a diverse team of WCPSS educators and local community agencies, organizations, businesses, schools, and faith-based institutions.
To learn more about workshop options and registration information, visit
Please know that the Parent Academy Catalogs were distributed to all schools, and schools should have enough to distribute to all students.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014