Monday, November 24, 2014

National Speak Up Survey

Parents, students, and Staff... give your feedback about 21st century learning and technology. Please take about 10 minutes to fill out this National "Speak Up" survey. Let your voice be heard!!
Click here to begin the survey.

What is BYOD?

Some of you may have heard of BYOD... watch the video below to learn about what this is.  If you missed the Loop at the Lake on 11/14/14, check it out, because Maegan researched a story on the pros and cons of this initiative (  At LMES, we are beginning with a very small pilot, just two classrooms: Mrs. Yunker's 2nd graders and Mrs. Spivey's 5th graders.  We will keep you posted on any expansion of the program.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Art Fundraiser Order Date Extended!

The Square 1 Art Fundraiser order period has been extended until NEXT Monday, November 10th. Orders will be here before Christmas track out.  Order your child's artwork and preserve it for precious gifts!